Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Philip Mar Sistona                    biotechnology                 Mrs.Tessie Estrabo

                                       Industrial Biotechnology
              Industrial biotechnology applies the techniques of modern molecular biology to improve the efficiency and reduce the environmental impacts of industrial processes like textile, paper and pulp, and chemical manufacturing. For example, industrial biotechnology companies develop biocatalysts, such as enzymes, to synthesize chemicals. Enzymes are proteins produced by all organisms. Using biotechnology, the desired enzyme can be manufactured in commercial quantities.
Industrial biotechnology applies the techniques of modern molecular biology to improve the efficiency and reduce the environmental impacts of industrial processes like textile, paper and pulp, and chemical manufacturing.
                                Environmental Biotechnology
            Environmental biotechnology is the used in waste treatment and pollution prevention. Environmental biotechnology can more efficiently clean up many wastes than conventional methods and greatly reduce our dependence on methods for land-based disposal.
                               Human Applications And Medicine

         Biotechnical methods are now used to produce many proteins for pharmaceutical and other specialized purposes. A harmless strain of Escherichia coli bacteria, given a copy of the gene for human insulin, can make insulin. As these genetically modified (GM) bacterial cells age, they produce human insulin, which can be purified and used to treat diabetes in humans. Microorganisms can also be modified to produce digestive enzymes. In the future, these microorganisms could be colonized in the intestinal tract of persons with digestive enzyme insufficiencies .  Products of modern biotechnology include artificial blood vessels from collagen tubes coated with a layer of the anticoagulant heparin

                                                       DNA fingerprinting
                is the process of cross matching two strands of DNA. In criminal investigations, DNA from samples of hair, bodily fluids or skin at a crime scene are compared with those obtained from the suspects. In practice, it has become one of the most powerful and widely known applications of biotechnology today. Another process, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), is also being used to more quickly and accurately identify the presence of infections such as AIDS, Lyme disease and Chlamydia.
                                                             DNA testing
               is also used on human fossils to determine how closely related fossil samples are from different geographic locations and geologic areas. The results shed light on the history of human evolution and the manner in which human ancestors settled different parts of the world (13).

                  By using the techniques of biotechnology, the drugs biopharmaceuticals were developed. There are no chemicals involved in the synthesis of these drugs, but microorganisms have made it possible to develop them. Large molecules of proteins are usually the source of biopharmaceuticals. They when targeted in the body attack the hidden mechanisms of the disease and destroy them. Now scientists are trying to develop such biopharmaceutical drugs which can be treated against the diseases like hepatitis, cancer and heart diseases.

                   These drugs are made by many ways and one method of developing such drugs is bioreactor. Bioreactor is a container which is used to grow microorganisms under the specific temperature and other required conditions. These microorganisms then make biopharmaceuticals. Though genetically modified plants and animals can also be used to make biopharmaceuticals but then there are various ethical and legal issues regarding these animals and plants.

Gene Therapy
                     Gene therapy is another technique of biotechnology which is used to treat and diagnose diseases like cancer and Parkinson's disease. The mechanism of this technique is that the healthy genes are targeted in the body which either destroy the damaged cells or replace them. In some cases, the healthy genes make corrections in the genetic information and that is how the genes start functioning in the favor of the body.

                    Pharmacogenomics is another genetically modified technique which is used to study the genetic information of an individual. It analyzes the body's response to certain drugs. It is the combination of pharmaceuticals and genomics. The aim of this field is to develop such drugs which are inserted in the individual according to the genetic information present in the individual.

Genetic Testing
Genetic testing is a technique of genetics which is used to determine the genetic diseases in parents, sex and carrier screening. The method of genetic testing is to use DNA probes which have the sequences similar to the mutated sequences. This technique is also used to identify the criminals and to test the paternity of the child.

                                     Agricultural Biotechnology


                    Oral vaccines have been in the works for many years as a possible solution to the spread of disease in underdeveloped countries, where costs are prohibitive to widespread vaccination. Genetically engineered cropsNutrient Supplementation

In an effort to improve human health, particularly in underdeveloped countries, scientists are creating genetically altered foods that contain nutrients known to help fight disease or malnourishment. An example of this is Golden Rice, which contains beta-carotene, the precursor for Vitamin A production in our bodies

                                               Plant and Animal Breeding

Enhancing plant and animal traits by traditional methods like cross-pollination, grafting, and cross-breeding is time-consuming. Biotech advances allow for specific changes to be made quickly, on a molecular level through over-expression or deletion of genes, or the introduction of foreign genes.

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